Stone Work Technique

The stonework technique, the way of shaping, the surface treatment, the plastic shaping of the surface with stylistic expression and motif, the creation of the composition to achieve the desired meaning of the arithmetic unit - all this is subject to certain patterns, with little changes have been retreated and repeated over long time of periods until the original creative freshness is exhausted.
First, in the long run, the new solutions, new structural shifts, and new sparks appear and give the buildings a new life back again.

This strength can be derived from the new role of stone, new constructive, structural shifts, new ideas inspired by jumps or turnover in stone technology, or a new viewpoint on the long-term established order in specific, fortified object.
Unlike from other materials we use today in a building construction, the stone has the richest, the oldest and the most intriguing history of shaping.

Today, due to the speed of building economics, but also because of some features of the contemporary state of the spirit, a certain reductionism of form sets as an imperative, designed massive stone, which, in the history of architecture has gained its place due to the perfection and the richness of the details. Due to the same properties, the massive stone becomes partially undesirable.

Recent events have lately; however, indicate a new interest in massive forms and the renewal of its role in a design.

For the atelier, the stone design is the main working area, which also includes comprehensive researches.

The shaping represents necessarily the knowledge and the reflection of the manufacturing process: the way to use, the way of installation, the conditions for installation, use and application etc. It is linked to the features of the whole object and the wider area, the middle. Investigations are directed towards modern construction methods with the aim of bringing the technology of stone application closer to the conditions required for the modern construction. This leads to new procedures, new stone application systems and the introduction of new materials such as glue, synthetic materials, protective agents, stainless steel, reinforcement of stone with ribbed stainless steel.

Marketing researchers impose systematic monitoring of trends in a development and show where in the construction the new solutions can be applied without and with what kind of modifications.

The results of such research mean a completely new conception of the subject: dry mounting solutions conclusion and fixings, benches, pillars, street lamps, pergolas, small buildings such as arbor and pavilions, montage demountable partition and facade rocks, spindle stairs etc. Also to mention are the complex vases, jardinieres, window lattices, etc.

With all these solutions, the stone gets back its original constructiveness and a complete impression of the original structure, massive or subtly processed, with substantial weight reduction.

Our aspiration is to bring stone closer to modern technology, to revitalize the original expression of stone and its surfaces and to keep and renew the values of stone achieved through the cultural history
