Brac Stone
Brac stone represents the soul of the island of Brac. Brac stone enjoys a special status in architecture and in designing the exteriors and interiors.
Since ancient times the Brac quarries supplied a great number of notable buildings with stone: the most famous one is Diocletian's Palace in Split, the Cathedral of St. James in Sibenik and the Cathedral of St Lawrence in Trogir and which have been under World Heritage (UNESCO) protection. Parts of the White House in Washington, the Parlament House in Vienna and Budapest are also built from stones originated from the island Brac.
The traditional use of quality stone is today carried out with modern technology. Until the late fifties, the production was about 5,000 m³ of stone blocks per year. Soon the production climbed to 17,000 m³ blocks and over 300,000 m² sawn stone slabs. In a meantime, the Brac stone has become famous all over the world for its quality.
The limestone quarry from OK-Stipe is located near Pucisca on the island of Brac. Large blocks are cut and transported to the production plant in Maslinica and to cut into slabs or smaller blocks.